At Genesis Performance Chiropractic, we are able to treat a wide array of different ailments due to the nature of our approach.
Conditions that we commonly treat include:
Whiplash Injuries (Auto accident)
Neck Pain
Rib Pain
Low-back Pain
SI Joint Pain
Piriformis Syndrome
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
Shoulder Impingement
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
Acromioclavicular (AC) Sprain
De Quervain’s Tenosnovitis (Wrist pain)
Osgood Schlatter’s (Adolescent Knee Pain)
Peripheral Nerve Entrapment (Nerve Pain)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
Patellofemoral Syndrome (Knee Pain)
Ilio-Tibial Band (ITB) Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendonitis
Shin Splints
Jaw Pain (TMJ Dysfunction)
Hip Impingement (FAI)
Meniscus problems (Knee pain)
Disc Injuries (Neck and Low back)
Pregnancy Back Pain
Ankle sprains
Click here to find out “What to Expect” during a visit to GPC.